It's ok to invest in someone else's dream
Here’s the thing- entrepreneur life is not for everyone.
Lord knows I have spent the last 8 months trying to figure out my place in this new world.
I did not expect it to be easy. I am no stranger to hard work, in fact I thrive off it. I have worked since I was 14 in some capacity. Sometimes in multiple jobs at once, always for someone else. I actually love to work. So this seemed like a great idea for me to expand into- I get to make my own hours, don’t have to work for other people’s rules or have my earnings dictated by a corporation. What is not to love?
But here’s the kicker- I really didn’t like it. In fact I hated it. So much so- I have called it quits and committed fully to the working world again.
And I couldn’t be happier.
I hated the unknown, the inconsistencies and the energy it took from me to maintain working for myself. This was absolutely not my idea of a freedom lifestyle.
I am all about making life as easy as possible for everyone involved, myself included, and this entrepreneur life was just one big struggle after another.
What it did do was make me realise several things.
Firstly that it is absolutely ok to invest in someone else’s dream, as long as that is your dream too.
It is plastered everywhere that you have to invest in yourself and stop investing in others. This is absolute bull shit to me.
We will never get anywhere in life if we don’t collaborate. When we try and do things ourselves vs connecting with others that have similar goals things are infinitely harder. People network in their own businesses so why is this any different in daily life?
If you are clear on what your goal is, and are truely passionate about this then it makes no sense to NOT join forces with someone who also shares the same dream. Just because that person is your boss or a corporation is irrelevant.
Secondly what I learnt was that I can try and invest my time and energy into something that sounds right on paper, but if I’m not feeling it then it is never going to happen.
From the start I knew exactly where I wanted to be, but visa issues are a bitch and so this entrepreneurial journey was a way for me to survive this hump. Or so I thought.
What it actually turned out to be was a giant lesson in what I don’t want in life and trusting my intuition.
On paper this had all the makings of the ideal life. I build an online business around something I enjoy, which enables me to make money to travel wherever and whenever I want and I get paid at the same time.
For a wandering soul like me this seemed ideal.
But this wandering soul also loves structure and routine and dare I say it, has found a place she wants to drop anchor for a while. The only thing stopping me doing any of that when I embarked on this journey was those dam visa issues (bitter much lol).
What I realised pretty quickly that I didn’t want was to have to hustle ever single day to find business. I didn’t want to spend my life on social media ‘networking’ and connecting with other people behind a keyboard. I didn’t want to have to wonder where my next pay check was coming from.
What I craved more than anything was consistency in something I enjoyed.
I am more than happy to show up every single day to a job, as long as it is something that I enjoy. I have no responsibilities beyond my duties at work, which start and end when I clock in and out. (Even though truthfully they probably don’t because I am THAT invested I go home and learn stuff or want to find ways to help the business improve!)
I am more than happy to give 110% to someone who values my time and contribution to their bigger picture. Because chances are this is also part of my big picture.
It took attempting to go it solo to figure all this out though.
Entrepeneurial life is great- if that is your dream. Some of us however have different dreams. We are born to help, to heal, to serve and to assist others, all whilst doing the same for ourselves. For those of us- the solo business world sucks.
It may have taken me almost 12 months to come to this conclusion, but now I have- life is infinitely better.
I am still refining my long term dream, I have always said I want to own my own bar, so maybe this is it. For now, I am very happy helping make someone else's dream that little bit more successful. After all, I love to help 💫
Wow!Couldn't agree more.I'm into entrepreneurship but I find it hard to live another's dream.But this post had insightful content.