Tarot Thursday: Re-evaluate your goals.
My intention for this was to follow on from my popular lives on Facebook where I would do a 'Tarot Tuesday' and discuss my cards for the week.
Since it is now Thursday we can see- this plan veered slightly off track and is now renamed Tarot Thursday.
SO what is Tarot Thursday about? Well in a nut shell- it is a way for me to practice my tarot reading and to share with you my card/ cards of the week. Pretty plain and simple right.
Some weeks there will be more cards than others, it is what I am called to pull. This week it is one from the Raider Waite Deck and one from the Rebel Deck - a funny, sassy take on tarot cards.
So without further ado- lets get into it.
The cards I pulled this week were the Ace of Pentacles reversed and the 'Shit is about to get real' card.
Lets start with the Ace of Pentacles.
This card shows a giant white hand, which seems to be radiating white light, hovering in mid air holding one giant pentacle. The white colour represents purity, and to me, the giant pentacle represents the many opportunities I have/ had. As the hand is floating in the sky and is not anchored to the ground, this suggests to me that these opportunities are still ideas in my mind and have not made it 'to earth' yet.
Below on the ground there is a lush green grass and hedge, with red ripe berries. Within the hedge there is an opening in the vegetation, which is found at the end of the path and is circular in shape. Through the opening it is possible to see mountains in the distance.
This suggests to me that even though these ideas and opportunities exist in my mind, my current earthly situation is actually pretty good too. It is ripe and fertile and there is a path for me to follow. This path with have some challenges and involves metaphorically climbing a mountain, but will be worth it as the view from the top is always worth the climb. The fact that this opening is circular also suggests to me it will always be there- as this is a never ending shape.
Since this card is reversed it indicates to me that I am feeling overwhelmed or unsure of which way is up. What exists in my mind and what is a reality. I am finding it hard to decide which path to follow and my ideas are maybe not as clear or 'pure' as they could be.
According to Biddy Tarot, who is my go to for all things tarot related, the pentacles suit relates to material aspects of the world such as health, finances, career and property. When reversed the pentacles indicate that there is an uneven balance in one of these areas. So it may be that you are investing too much time in your career at the expense of your health, or that you are too focused on the material aspects of life at the expense of your finances.
A more detailed description of this can be found here Meanings of the Pentacles Suit
This certainly rings true for me in more than one area here. It is a constant battle for me to keep a reign on my finances over my material wants (they are not needs they are wants- plain and simple). I have also been working much harder on having a better work life balance, to allow myself to do things I want to do whilst still showing up and being fully present at work, and also looking for ways in which I can start to advance my career. This is still a work in progress and I only succeeded this week because I went away for a day and also had a 3 day weekend!! #balance
This card is asking me to take a look at my motives for doing what I do, and to also take a step back and look at the bigger picture. To realise I do not need to stand on others to get where I want to be (something I don't agree with in any shape or form but can see how I can get sucked into when that is the culture). It is reminding me to be conscious of my finances and aware of where I am directing my energy in relation to these.
The second card was the 'Shit is about to get real' card.
This is from the rebel deck and simply says' ' Shit is about to get real, you need your people around you.'
This to me advises that there are major shifts about to happen, and whether for the best or worst, I am going to need the support of my people. Life can throw things at you that send you in a tail spin daily. Having a support network of people is THE most important and effective way to get through these times.
I will not lie- when I pulled this card I instinctively felt that there was some drama or situation going to happen that didn't directly involve me but that I would get pulled into without knowing. I didn't take it as a particularly good card at the time but it has a decent ending.
As I sit and ponder on it though I see that there could be a flip side to this. When you pair it with the Ace of Pentacles it could be seen as if all those ideas that I have, that I cannot make sense of from that card, are about to flip themselves and figure out a path and it is going to catapult me onto this route, as shown in the card. And shit is about to get real in a good way. Yes I need my people for support, but this is not a bad thing but because they can help me on this journey.
We will see which way this swings for me in the coming weeks/ months, but this is what I take from this. I for sure am leaning intuitively towards the first one.
Putting these 2 cards together gave me some food for thought this week and made me realise there was a few things I could be doing differently in life, or that I had been doing and I have slipped with, which could now be contributing to this confusion and lack of direction.
I have now got several action steps to follow through on, which will hopefully help avoid/ lessen the impact of these cards in the near future:
Since it is now Thursday we can see- this plan veered slightly off track and is now renamed Tarot Thursday.
SO what is Tarot Thursday about? Well in a nut shell- it is a way for me to practice my tarot reading and to share with you my card/ cards of the week. Pretty plain and simple right.
Some weeks there will be more cards than others, it is what I am called to pull. This week it is one from the Raider Waite Deck and one from the Rebel Deck - a funny, sassy take on tarot cards.
So without further ado- lets get into it.
The cards I pulled this week were the Ace of Pentacles reversed and the 'Shit is about to get real' card.
Lets start with the Ace of Pentacles.
This card shows a giant white hand, which seems to be radiating white light, hovering in mid air holding one giant pentacle. The white colour represents purity, and to me, the giant pentacle represents the many opportunities I have/ had. As the hand is floating in the sky and is not anchored to the ground, this suggests to me that these opportunities are still ideas in my mind and have not made it 'to earth' yet.
Below on the ground there is a lush green grass and hedge, with red ripe berries. Within the hedge there is an opening in the vegetation, which is found at the end of the path and is circular in shape. Through the opening it is possible to see mountains in the distance.
This suggests to me that even though these ideas and opportunities exist in my mind, my current earthly situation is actually pretty good too. It is ripe and fertile and there is a path for me to follow. This path with have some challenges and involves metaphorically climbing a mountain, but will be worth it as the view from the top is always worth the climb. The fact that this opening is circular also suggests to me it will always be there- as this is a never ending shape.
Since this card is reversed it indicates to me that I am feeling overwhelmed or unsure of which way is up. What exists in my mind and what is a reality. I am finding it hard to decide which path to follow and my ideas are maybe not as clear or 'pure' as they could be.
According to Biddy Tarot, who is my go to for all things tarot related, the pentacles suit relates to material aspects of the world such as health, finances, career and property. When reversed the pentacles indicate that there is an uneven balance in one of these areas. So it may be that you are investing too much time in your career at the expense of your health, or that you are too focused on the material aspects of life at the expense of your finances.
A more detailed description of this can be found here Meanings of the Pentacles Suit
This certainly rings true for me in more than one area here. It is a constant battle for me to keep a reign on my finances over my material wants (they are not needs they are wants- plain and simple). I have also been working much harder on having a better work life balance, to allow myself to do things I want to do whilst still showing up and being fully present at work, and also looking for ways in which I can start to advance my career. This is still a work in progress and I only succeeded this week because I went away for a day and also had a 3 day weekend!! #balance
This card is asking me to take a look at my motives for doing what I do, and to also take a step back and look at the bigger picture. To realise I do not need to stand on others to get where I want to be (something I don't agree with in any shape or form but can see how I can get sucked into when that is the culture). It is reminding me to be conscious of my finances and aware of where I am directing my energy in relation to these.
The second card was the 'Shit is about to get real' card.
This is from the rebel deck and simply says' ' Shit is about to get real, you need your people around you.'
This to me advises that there are major shifts about to happen, and whether for the best or worst, I am going to need the support of my people. Life can throw things at you that send you in a tail spin daily. Having a support network of people is THE most important and effective way to get through these times.
I will not lie- when I pulled this card I instinctively felt that there was some drama or situation going to happen that didn't directly involve me but that I would get pulled into without knowing. I didn't take it as a particularly good card at the time but it has a decent ending.
As I sit and ponder on it though I see that there could be a flip side to this. When you pair it with the Ace of Pentacles it could be seen as if all those ideas that I have, that I cannot make sense of from that card, are about to flip themselves and figure out a path and it is going to catapult me onto this route, as shown in the card. And shit is about to get real in a good way. Yes I need my people for support, but this is not a bad thing but because they can help me on this journey.
We will see which way this swings for me in the coming weeks/ months, but this is what I take from this. I for sure am leaning intuitively towards the first one.
Putting these 2 cards together gave me some food for thought this week and made me realise there was a few things I could be doing differently in life, or that I had been doing and I have slipped with, which could now be contributing to this confusion and lack of direction.
I have now got several action steps to follow through on, which will hopefully help avoid/ lessen the impact of these cards in the near future:
- Daily Gratitude - Instead of scrolling Facebook every morning I will get back into the habit of giving gratitude. Learning to be thankful for what I have vs upset at what I don't.
- Stay in my own sandbox- Remind myself that what other people choose to do/think/say is none of my business unless they make it my business (by coming into my sandbox). Just because I can feel and see situations different to others does not mean that I need to make them about me or even get involved- it is ok to be a spectator.
- Avoid drama and gossip- This does not serve me and makes me feel icky. In the industry I am in it is a very difficult situation to stay out of the constant moaning and bitching that goes on. But I will absolutely give it my best effort. Because nothing brings down my vibe more than drama and gossip and the negativity that goes with it.
- Revisit my roots and my values. Somewhere along the way these have gotten a little blurred. Whether they get caught up in other peoples or they get forgotten all together. Values are what sustain you through everything. Through the ups and the downs, the highs and the lows. Coming back and revisiting these is important because it means you are still on the right path. If you are following your values you cannot go too far wrong.
I would love to know if any of this resonated for you this week. Pop your comments below and let me know wha tis happening in your world and how this fits in.
Love and Light
I enjoyed reading this about the Pentacle suit.