What's getting in the way of your dream?
If you are anything like me you have a dream. A dream to travel the world, see new places, do fun things, leave the mundane office/healthcare/ corporate job behind and run off into the sunset.
But yet there you are, working 5 days a week, (maybe more, maybe less if you do shift work, but the hours are still there), deciding what to have for dinner, wondering if you have the energy to go to the gym or if you should just hibernate with the latest Netflix obsession and some Ben and Jerry’s.
I had multiple Pinterest boards of places I wanted to go visit (I still do). I spent all my down time googling new places and planning adventures, yet that’s all it was- a plan.
Until you do something about it, that is all it will ever be.
All those excuses you have for not following your dreams, for not leaving the job and going travelling- They are bullshit excuses. They are a smokescreen. Because the real reason you haven’t done anything about this dream yet is YOU!
You are the single reason your dream hasn’t materialised yet. But that is ok, it means you can change it. 🙌
Ok tough love over, seriously, there is nothing wrong with you, it is human nature and we are wired this way. But with a bit of knowledge and guidance we can beat the system, over ride our instincts and really start living the life we dream of.
Cognitions (thoughts)
Feelings/follow through
Our unique situation can be made up of one 2 or all 4 of those components. Once you can recognise what is stopping you from going out there and living the life of your dreams, you can develop strategies to help make it happen #Iloveaplan
Take money for example- this is one of the biggest reasons I hear for not travelling. In reality, money is very rarely the ACTUAL reason but the perceived reason people “cannot” travel. Money provides security, control, & reassurance, so letting go of all of those things to go out into the unknown can be too much for people to handle, so they don’t.
In this case you need to figure out, what one of the 4 categories above is holding you back from having that money to be able to do that.
Do your behaviours align with your dreams? Are you going out every weekend, spending your $ on designer dresses, heels and makeup (which is totally cool) and turning down overtime?
Is your situation stalling you ? Do you have children, a long commute, elderly parents or un regular working hours?
Are your cognitions conspiring against you? Are you constantly telling yourself “I am not that kind of person to do that, travel isn’t my thing” whilst deep down inside craving that exact experience?
Are your feelings failing to follow through? Instead of getting excited when you think about the travel you get scared, and so when anything that may take you towards that goal comes along your instinct is to push it away rather than accept it?
See how all 4 of those experiences are different, yet all of them fail to bring in money to fund that dream trip because you are not truely feeling in alignment with that desire. If you don’t feel it it won’t happen. Simple as the Law of Attraction. (yes I got a bit woo on you there, it's how I roll #noapologies)
I am going to stop getting all woo on you now and just leave you with this nugget. You have the power to create your reality. It can be absolutely anything you want it to be. No excuses or obstacles are big enough when you really really want something.
So ask yourself this- Do you really REALLY want that dream? And if so- what is actually stopping you?
Love and Light
Lucy xx

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